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发布日期: 2017-05-18 字号: [ ]

1、 21CFR172  允许在人类消费食品中直接使用的食品添加剂 

Food additives permitted for direct addition to food for human consumption

2、21CFR173   允许在人类消费食品中直接使用的二类食品添加剂 

Secondary direct food additives permitted in food for human consumption

3、21CFR177  间接食品添加剂:多聚合物 

Indirect food additives: Polymers

4、 21CFR178  间接食品添加剂:辅料、生产助剂和消毒杀菌剂 

Indirect food additives: Adjuvants, production aids, and sanitizers

5、21CFR180  在食品或者与食品接触材料中使用的有待进一步审核暂许可的食品添加剂 

Food additives permitted in food or in contact with food on an interim basis pending  additional study

6、21CFR182  一般被认为是安全的物质 

Substances generally recognized as safe

7、 21CFR184  被确认为一般认为安全的的直接食品物质 

Direct food substances affirmed as generally recognized as safe

8、21CFR186  被确认为一般认为安全的的间接食品物质 

Indirect food substances affirmed as generally recognized as safe

9、21CFR73  免除认证的着色剂名录 

Listing of color additives exempt from certification

10、21CFR74  需要认证的着色剂名录 

Listing of color additives subject to certification

11、21CFR170  食品添加剂 

Food additives




