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CEN/TC 337道路服务领域和冬季维护设备技术标准

发布日期: 2017-05-18 来源:tbtguide 字号: [ ]

道路服务领域和冬季维护设备技术委员会,英文名称Winter maintenance and road service area maintenance equipment,代号为CEN/TC 337,秘书处设在法国(AFNOR),下设4个工作组,具体信息如下:



CEN/TC 337/WG 3


CEN/TC 337/WG 4


CEN/TC 337/WG 1


CEN/TC 337/WG 2


CEN/TC 337负责4大领域维护设备相关CEN标准的制修订工作:





截止2012年9月19日,共发布相关标准19项,列表如下,正在进行的标准制修订计划5项,见CEN/TC 354标准制修订计划



CEN/TS 15366:2009

Winter and road service area maintenance equipment - Solid absorbents intended for road usage

CEN/TS 15430-2:2012

Winter and road service area maintenance equipment - Data acquisition and transmission - Part 2: Protocol for data transfer between information supplier and client application server

CEN/TS 15436-3:2009

Road service area maintenance equipment - Part 3: Classification

CEN/TS 15597-2:2012

Winter maintenance equipment - Spreading machines (gritting machines) - Part 2: Requirements for distribution and its test

EN 15144:2007

Winter maintenance equipment - Terminology - Terms for winter maintenance

EN 15429-1:2007

Sweepers - Part 1: Classification and Terminology

EN 15430-1:2007+A1:2011

Winter and road service area maintenance equipments - Data acquisition and transmission - Part 1: In vehicle data acquisition

EN 15431:2008

Winter and road service area maintenance equipments - Power system and related controls - Interchangeability and performance requirements

EN 15432-1:2011

Winter and road service area maintenance equipments - Front-mounted equipments - Part 1: Fixed front mounting plates

EN 15436-1:2008

Road service area maintenance equipment - Part 1: Terminology

EN 15436-2:2008

Road service area maintenance equipment - Part 2: Performance assessment

EN 15436-4:2009

Road service area maintenance equipment - Part 4: Delivery acceptance of the machines by the users

EN 15518-1:2011

Winter maintenance equipment - Road weather information systems - Part 1: Global definitions and components

EN 15518-2:2011

Winter maintenance equipment - Road weather information systems - Part 2: Road weather - Recommended observation and forecast

EN 15518-3:2011

Winter maintenance equipment - Road weather information systems - Part 3: Requirements on measured values of stationary equipments

EN 15583-1:2009

Winter maintenance equipment - Snow ploughs - Part 1: Product description and requirements

EN 15583-2:2012

Winter maintenance equipment - Snow ploughs - Part 2: Testing criteria and their requirements

EN 15597-1:2009

Winter maintenance equipment — Spreading machines (gritting machines) — Part 1: General requirements and definitions for spreading machines

EN 15906:2011

Winter maintenance equipment - Snow removal machines with rotating tools - Specification and clearing capacity

