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发布日期: 2014-09-24 来源:tbtguide 字号: [ ]

法规名称:欧盟低电压指令(Low Voltage Directive)


    IT设备进入欧盟首先需要满足低电压指令(LVD)的要求。旧版低电压指令(73/23/EEC)于1973年生效,1993年CE标志指令(93/68/EEC)对其进行了修订。2006年12月27日,欧盟发布了新低电压指令(2006/95/EC),旧指令于2007年1月16日被废止,新指令与旧指令在内容上保持一致。以下是新低电压指令的应用指南: 低电压指令(2006/95/EC)应用指南(Guidelines on the Application of Directive 2006/95/EC)


    LVD适用于供电电压在交流50~1000 V或直流75~1500 V之间的电气设备,包含家用电器、手工具、照明设备、电线、电缆及管线,以及配线设备等。


    (1) 确保电气设备能够按照设计目的正确地使用,基本性能应该在设备上或在随附的报告上进行标识;
    (2) 制造商的名称和商标应清楚地印在电气设备上或在包装上;
    (3) 电气设备及其零部件的设计应确保设备能够安全并且正确地安装和连接;
    (4) 电气设备的设计和生产应确保防护(5)~(11)指出的危害,如果设备按照其设计目的使用并且正确维护;
    (5) 对人身和家畜有足够的保护,免受因电气直接或间接接触造成的物理伤害或其他危害(触电);
    (6) 不会产生导致危险的温度、电弧或辐射;
    (7) 对人身、家畜和财产有足够的保护,免受按照经验电气设备导致的非电气危险;
    (8) 在可预见的条件下有适当的绝缘保护;
    (9) 电气设备满足预期的机械性能要求,不会危及人身、家畜和财产;
    (10) 电气设备在预期的环境条件下能够抵御非机械方面的影响,从而不会危及人身、家畜和财产;
    (11) 在可预见的过载(过电流)的情况下,电气设备不会危及人身、家畜和财产。






CENELEC EN 60432-1-2000

IEC 60432-1:1999+A1:2005

Incandescent Lamps. Safety Specifications Part 1:Tungsten Filament Lamps for Domestic and Similar General Lighting Purposes IEC 60432-1:1999 + A1:2005,Modified;A1:May 2005

CENELEC EN 60432-2-2000

IEC 60432-2:1999 + A1:2005

Incandescent Lamps. Safety Specifications Part 2:Tungsten Halogen Lamps for Domestic and Similar General Lighting Purposes IEC 60432-2:1999 + A1:2005,modified

CENELEC EN 60432-3-2003

IEC 60432-3:2002+A1:2005 +A2:2008

Incandescent lamps. Safety specifications Part 3:Tungsten-halogen lamps (non-vehicle) Incorporates Amendment A2:2008

CENELEC EN 60598-1-2004

IEC 60598-1:2003


Luminaires. Part 1:General requirements and tests Incorporating corrigendum August 2007; Incorporating Amendment A1:2006; Remain Current

CENELEC EN 60598-2-1-1989

IEC 60598-1:2008

Luminaires Part 2:Particular requirements Section one. Fixed general purpose luminaires

CENELEC EN 60598-2-2:1996

IEC 60598-2-2:1996

Luminaires -- Part 2: Particular requirements -- Section 2: Recessed luminaires

CENELEC EN 60598-2-3-2003

IEC 60598-2-3:2002

Luminaires Part 2-3:Particular requirements. Luminaires for road and street lighting Incorporating Corrigendum August 2005;IEC 60598-2-3:2002

CENELEC EN 60598-2-4-1997

IEC 60598-2-4:1997

Luminaires Part 2:Particular Requirements Section 4:Portable General Purpose Luminaires IEC 60598-2-4:1997

CENELEC EN 60598-2-5-1998

IEC 60598-2-5:1998

Luminaires Part 2-5:Particular Requirements. Floodlights IEC 60598-2-5:1998;Includes Corrigendum December 1998

CENELEC EN 60598-2-6-1994

IEC 60598-2-6:1994+A1:1996

Luminaires Part 2:Particular Requirements Section 6:Luminaires with Built-In Transformers or Converters for Filament Lamps Includes Amendment A1:1997;IEC 598-2-6:1994 + A1:1996

CENELEC EN 60598-2-7-1989

IEC 60598-2-7:1982+A2:1994


Luminaires Part 2:Particular Requirements Section Seven. Portable Luminaires for Garden Use Incorporates Amendments A11:1994 + A12:1995 + A2:1996 + A13:1997;Incorporating corrigendum January 1999

CENELEC EN 60598-2-8:1997

IEC 60598-2-8:1996

Luminaires -- Part 2: Particular requirements -- Section 8: Handlamps

CENELEC EN 60598-2-9-1989

IEC 60598-2-9:1987+A1:1993

Luminaires Part 2:Particular requirements Section 9:Photo and film luminaires (non-professional) Incoporates Amendment A1:1994

CENELEC EN 60598-2-10-2003

IEC 60598-2-10:2003

Luminaires Part 2-10:Particular requirements. Portable luminaires for children Incorporates Corrigendum August 2005;IEC 60598-2-10:2003

EN 60598-2-11:2005

IEC 60598-2-11:2005

Luminaires Part 2-11:Particular requirements. Aquarium luminaires Incorporates Corrigendum August 2005;IEC 60598-2-11:2005

CENELEC EN 60598-2-12-2006

IEC 60598-2-12:2006

Luminaires. Part 2-12:Particular requirements. Mains socket-outlet mounted nightlights Incorporating corrigendum December 2006

CENELEC EN 60598-2-13:2006

IEC 60598-2-13:2006

Luminaires Part 2-13:Particular requirements. Ground recessed luminaires Incorporating corrigendum December 2006

CENELEC EN 60598-2-14:2009

IEC 60598-2-14:2009


Luminaires. Part 2-14:Particular requirements. Luminaires for cold cathode tubular discharge lamps (neon tubes) and similar equipment

CENELEC EN 60598-2-17:1989

IEC 60598-2-17:1984

Luminaires -- Part 2: Particular requirements -- Section 17: Luminaires for stage lighting, television film and photographic studios (outdoor and indoor)

CENELEC EN 60598-2-19:1989

IEC 60598-2-19:1981


Luminaires -- Part 2: Particular requirements -- Section 19: Air-handling luminaires (safety requirements)

CENELEC EN 60598-2-20-2010


Luminaires. Part 2-20:Particular requirements. Lighting chains

CENELEC EN 60598-2-22:1998

IEC 60598-2-22:1997

Luminaires. Part 2-22:Particular Requirements Luminaires for Emergency Lighting Incorporates Amendment A2:May 2008;Incorporating Corrigenda December 2005 and October 2007

CENELEC EN 60598-2-23-1996

IEC 60598-2-23:1996

Luminaires. Part 2-23:Particular Requirements. Extra Low-Voltage Lighting Systems for Filament Lamps Includes Amendment A1:2000;IEC 60598-2-23:1996 + A1:2000

CENELEC EN 60598-2-24:1998

IEC 60598-2-24:1997

Luminaires -- Part 2: Particular requirements -- Section 24: Luminaires with limited surface temperatures

CENELEC EN 60598-2-25-1994

IEC 60598-2-25:1994

Luminaires. Part 2-25:Particular requirements. Luminaires for use in clinical areas of hospitals and health care buildings IEC 60598-2-25:1994 + Corrigendum 1994 + A1;Includes Amendment A1:2004

CENELEC EN 60662-2012

IEC 60662-2011


High-pressure sodium vapour lamps. Performance specifications

CENELEC EN 60968-1990

IEC 60968:1988

Self-Ballasted Lamps for General Lighting Services Safety Requirements Incorporates Amendments A1:01/1993 and A2:10/1999

CENELEC EN 61167-2011


Metal halide lamps. Performance specification

CENELEC EN 61195-1999

IEC 61195:1999


Double-capped fluorescent lamps. Safety specifications IEC 61195:1999

CENELEC EN 61199-2011

IEC 61199-2011

Single-capped fluorescent lamps -- Safety specifications

CENELEC EN 61347-1:2008

IEC 61347-1:2007

Lamp controlgear -- Part 1: General and safety requirements

CENELEC EN 61347-2-1:2001

IEC 61347-2-1:2000


Lamp controlgear -- Part 2-1: Particular requirements for starting devices (other than glow starters)

CENELEC EN 61347-2-2:2001

IEC 61347-2-2:2000

Lamp controlgear -- Part 2-2: Particular requirements for d.c. or a.c. supplied electronic step-down convertors for filament lamps

CENELEC EN 61347-2-3:2001

IEC 61347-2-3:2000

Lamp controlgear -- Part 2-3: Particular requirements for a.c. supplied electronic ballasts for fluorescent lamps

CENELEC EN 61347-2-4:2001

IEC 61347-2-4:2000

Lamp controlgear -- Part 2-4: Particular requirements for d.c. supplied electronic ballasts for general lighting

CENELEC EN 61347-2-7:2006

IEC 61347-2-7:2006

Lamp controlgear -- Part 2-7: Particular requirements for d.c. supplied electronic ballasts for emergency lighting

CENELEC EN 61347-2-8:2001

IEC 61347-2-8:2000

Lamp controlgear -- Part 2-8: Particular requirements for ballasts for fluorescent lamps

CENELEC EN 61347-2-9:2001


IEC 61347-2-9:2000

Lamp controlgear -- Part 2-9: Particular requirements for ballasts for discharge lamps (excluding fluorescent lamps)

CENELEC EN 61347-2-10-2001

IEC 61347-2-10:2000

Lamp controlgear -- Part 2-10: Particular requirements for electronic invertors and convertors for high-frequency operation of cold start tubular discharge lamps (neon tubes)

CENELEC EN 61347-2-11:2001

IEC 61347-2-11:2001


Lamp controlgear -- Part 2-11: Particular requirements for miscellaneous electronic circuits used with luminaires

CENELEC EN 61347-2-12:2005

IEC 61347-2-12:2005


Lamp controlgear-Part 2-12: Particular requirements for d.c. or a.c. supplied electronic ballasts for discharge lamps (excluding fluorescent lamps)

EN 61347-2-13:2006

IEC 61347-2-13:2006

Lamp controlgear -- Part 2-13: Particular requirements for d.c. or a.c. supplied electronic controlgear for LED modules

EN 61549-2003

IEC 61549:2003

Miscellaneous lamps

EN 62031-2008

IEC 62031:2008

LED modules for general lighting - Safety specifications

EN 62035:2000

IEC 62035:1999

Discharge lamps (excluding fluorescent lamps) - Safety specifications

EN 62471:2008


IEC 62471:2006

Photobiological safety of lamps and lamp systems
