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CEN热太阳能系统技术委员会(CEN/TC 312)发布的标准(截止到2014年12月)

发布日期: 2017-05-18 来源:tbtguide 字号: [ ]

    太阳能系统技术委员会(CEN/TC 312)发布的标准详见下表(截止到2014年12月):



EN 12975-1:2006+A1:2010

Thermal solar systems and components - Solar collectors - Part 1: General requirements

EN 12976-1:2006

Thermal solar systems and components - Factory made systems - Part 1: General requirements

EN 12976-2:2006

Thermal solar systems and components - Factory made systems - Part 2: Test methods

EN 12977-1:2012

Thermal solar systems and components - Custom built systems - Part 1: General requirements for solar water heaters and combisystems

EN 12977-2:2012

Thermal solar systems and components - Custom built systems - Part 2: Test methods for solar water heaters and combisystems

EN 12977-3:2012

Thermal solar systems and components - Custom built systems - Part 3: Performance test methods for solar water heater stores

EN 12977-4:2012

Thermal solar systems and components - Custom built systems - Part 4: Performance test methods for solar combistores

EN 12977-5:2012

Thermal solar systems and components - Custom built systems - Part 5: Performance test methods for control equipment

EN ISO 22975-3:2014

Solar energy - Collector components and materials - Part 3: Absorber surface durability (ISO 22975-3:2014)

EN ISO 9488:1999

Solar energy - Vocabulary (ISO 9488:1999)

EN ISO 9806:2013

Solar energy - Solar thermal collectors - Test methods (ISO 9806:2013)

prEN 12976-1 rev

Thermal solar systems and components - Factory made systems - Part 1: General requirements

prEN 12976-2 rev

Thermal solar systems and components - Factory made systems - Part 2: test methods

prEN ISO 22975-1:2014

Solar energy - Collector components and materials - Part 1: Evacuated tubes - Durability and performance (ISO/DIS 22975-1:2014)

prEN ISO 22975-2:2014

Solar energy - Collector components and materials - Part 2: Heat-pipe for solar thermal application - Durability and performance (ISO/DIS 22975-2:2014)

prEN ISO 9806 rev

Solar energy - Solar thermal collectors - Test methods


